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Precision oven,Clean oven,Dust free oven

涂覆灌胶隧道炉FJCO-H15-3S 访问量 : 53512次


1. 电 源:AC380V    3Ø   50Hz    60KVA(三相五綫制)

2. 尺 寸:外尺寸总宽2.3M(<2.35m)*总长7M*总高0.8/1.8M,烤炉内输送宽度500mm*3,输送线距地面800+40mm, 加热段上盖由電缸自動升降開啓。

3. 温 度:炉内工作温度范围稳定45℃-50℃之间,参数设置值40-80℃。烘烤区总长6米分3个控温区独立控制温度,OMRON温控器PID自动控制,空爐恆溫45、60、80度爐前、爐中、 爐後六點測溫,溫度均匀性≤±2 ℃(進、出料口附近除外)

4. 材 质:外箱材质采用1.5mm厚Q235碳钢(强度、塑性和焊接综合性能好)折弯焊接制作,高温喷塑(大波纹型),可防止生锈,耐腐蚀;外壳颜色为“RAL 7035”浅灰色;内箱材质采用1.2mm厚SUS304不锈钢板制作,内部钣金与保温层全部满焊。

5. 机 构:烤爐内輸送由3列獨立输送,烤爐進、出料口安裝升降門各3套配合輸送板鏈步進動作,各流道板鏈兩側裝有擋邊高度25mm防止綫束卡住,出口上方裝有冷卻風扇,下座两侧门可以打开,控制屏可旋转。

6. 速 度:0~6.0m/min, 3流道各自獨立控制變頻調速。

7. 控 制:西門子PLC+HMI,OMRON温控器。系統有手動、自動、清料三種工作模式,正常工作時自動狀態:人工上料后按啓動輸送按鈕,該流道升降門開啓,輸送板鏈前進500mm停止,人機界面裏顯示該流道進入1個產品,升降門關閉。上料口可以重上料,再按下啓動輸送按鈕,延時一個節拍后,出料口沒有阻擋,這時升降門又打開,重複之前的循環。人機界面裏模擬顯示各流道實際的產品數量,流出烤箱后箱内產品數量減少。手動狀態時,每個動作需要手動在人機界面裏操作,適用于調機或小量打樣和測試。清料狀態適用于工作結束,只出料不上料。


Kunshan Fanqi Machinery Co., Ltd. is a private enterprise that integrates research and development, design, production, installation, sales and services. Its main products include: automated production line ovens, ovens, industrial ovens, tunnel ovens, photoelectric dust-free ovens, dust-free ovens, high-temperature ovens, clean ovens, precision ovens, anaerobic ovens, screen screen ovens, screen ovens, printing drying lines, drying lines, automatic ovens, energy-saving ovens, automatic drying equipment, precision dryers, dust-free tunnel ovens, energy-saving UV machines, low-temperature UV equipment, automatic UV equipment, glass UV machines, etc. At the same time, it sells UV lamps, exposure lamps, UV energy meters, and more. Other spare parts and consumables. The product is widely used in industries such as PCB, FPC, LCD, LED, CMOS, printing, coating, chemical, woodworking, sports shoes, and automotive parts.
Waiting for your visit with high-quality products, discounted prices, and enthusiastic service

版权所有:昆山市汎启机械有限公司 | ICP:苏ICP备19013035号-1


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